Because the order will be send after we receive the funds, please choose the suitable way to pay the order, that we can send the flower/gift in time. You would better pay advance 6 hours the send time.
Payment Methods | ||
PayPal | Accept: US check account, Discover, Visa, Master, American Express. How to pay with PayPal? | |
Credit Card | Accept Visa, Master card, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diners and all major international credit cards. |
Founded in 1998, PayPal, an eBay Company, enables any individual or business with an email address to securely,easily and quickly send and receive payments online. >> More about Paypal
Paypal accept: US check account, Discover, Visa, Master, American Express.
Note: You must already have a paypal account or sign up for a new paypal account.
MoneyBookers for Credit Card Payment
Skrill (Moneybookers) is a tool that allows you to safely send and receive money via email - instantly. You can send money from your credit/debit card, transfer money to and from your bank account. Use Skrill (Moneybookers) whenever you need to send money to someone (settle a debt with a friend, pay for online purchase/auctions...) or when someone needs to send money to you. >> View More
We will try our best to serve you perfectly, we will offer fresh flowers and nice gifts to arrange your order properly. But we are not responsible for the imperfect delivery due to the reasons below:
No payment received on our account six hours prior to delivery;
Customers do not make payment or payment returned by bank;
Unclear address, your credit card is refused by the payment system... etc.
Thanks for understanding.
If you are really in a urgent condition, we will consider serving you in perference.
Any questions, please contact with us.