9 red roses with rich baby's breath.green and red beading and paper packaging Simplicity unmatched! The Bouquet of Dreams is a conventional and the simplest way of expressing your heart. Beautifully set with a red ribbon and gold decoration to highlight the flowers, our dream bouquet will rekindle/ignite the spark you wish to fire your passions with.
Add Rose($2/item)
My fiance loves the roses! Every time.. Thanks so much for making the process of ordering from the U.S. and delivering to China seemless. Richard
Very good service, 100% satisfaction.
Thank you for offering a great product and excellent customer service. The flowers were beautiful and delivered at the requested time. Thanks for making a wonderful woman happy. She loved the flowers.
My wife loved the flowers! ChinaFlowers214 does a great job with reliable delivery.
The flowers were delivered on time in very good shape. The customer service was outstanding too. I will continue to order flowers from ChinaFlower214