13 pink carnations, 5 pink roses, 5 pink platycodons, 5 light purple violets, and 10 eucalyptus leaves.
Qixi Valentine: $56.99 Add Lily($5/item) Add Carnation($2/item) Add Red rose($2/item) Add Pink rose($2/item)
Thank you for delivering the flowers baskets to my mom to celebrate her birthday. Your good service made everybody happy
Delivered on time as usual, fresh flowers & present. Thanks!
Good the deluxe.. the flowers look exactly like in the photo. I didn't order the deluxe before and it didn't look like in the picture.. just looks kind of close like but not exactly.
The flowers were maybe delevered at the wished time table, but the right day to the right place to the right person. The flowers were very nice, good quality and fresh. 3rd time I use your service and never desappointed. Thanks
I have been using this company for many years since I live abroad. For any occasions I would use China flowers 214 and never be disappointed. Thank you so much to bring smiles to our family in China . Keep excellent work ! Susan Toronto , Canada