999 red + pink roses unbeatable bouquet for forever love. Pink inside in heart-shaped, red roses around round packed. Please order two days in advance.
Having seen the flowers and gift delivered from photos from my partner there ... I have nothing but praise for Chinaflower 214 the flowers are great and fresh the fruit basket looks good quality and also fresh presentation is excellent it was delivered as arranged I will continue to use ChinaFlower214 for all my purchases a Very professional company Very Highly Recommended
Very fast delivering. I have ordered the flowers at night and in the mourning it was delivered. The recipient was happy surprised. I haver ordered "Pink Valentine" Product ID: 1141. On photo my girlfriend have sent me, the flowers were exactly the same as on picture on the site. Great service. Mark, Moscow.
Delivery is fast. Very good send in within a day of order but item send and description on web page is slightly not the same. I ordered a 11 red white roses which said that come as a soft toy bear. But I have check with receiver. There is no bear.
She is so happy. she could have ignored me a few days. But she called me and told me she still loves me. flowers are so charming.
In every way the very best service, exactly as advertised and excellent communications Thank you 谢谢