61 stems white rose and 38 stems red roses, total 99 bouquet. Green leave decorated. Light yellow crepe paper inside, and edge curl paper outside wrapped, green bowknot. A very romantic to sweet heart.
Qixi Valentine: $195.30
You guys are the best because you again delivered your best cake and candy to my friend in China You guys are the best
they were very helpful, When the other party was unavailable to receive the delivery at the location I had first designated. they were able to change the destination for me. I was quite thankful for that and the flowers were as beautiful as promised. When you are ordering from across the world sometimes it is taking a chance to do something like this but I would purchase from them a thousand times and never feel any discomfort about it and if something did go wrong I am confident that they would take care of the problem immediately they are that good and they kept in contact with me every step of the way I wish to thank them again I just sorry that I misplaced this mail so long to place this report yours truly Loren A. Potter