12 red roses in an elegant two-tone gold and scarlet presentation box accompanied by Benson the Bear - a large soft brown teddy bear with a golden bow and a winning smile. Melt someones heart today with this ultra-stylish gift. (Bear style may vary depends on local market. and gift box may be replaced with a vase if unavailable)
Qixi Valentine: $106.39 Add Rose($2/item)
thanx so much for delivery on time..and beatiful roses...But would be even much better if note card could deliver as well :-)
The delivery was made in time. However, the following problems were found: 1. The 12 pink roses ordered WERE NOT included in the delivery 2. The vase is very small (such small vase should NOT be so expensive 3. Brocken flowers were included (at least 6-10 of them have no stem at all) We are so disappointed for your service. Please make correction or refunds as soon as possible.
Very satisfy with your service and the quality of the flowers.