99 red roses heart-shaped bouquet accented with solidago and baby's breath. This 99 red roses bouquet is hot love and fiery passion, the best gift to your lover, she will melt in your thickest love. Rose color can be change to pink or white, please write request when placing order.
Great Service
A friends pet dog passed away, not being able to be there to support my friend, I decided to send some flowers. The flowers were delivered promptly and looked very fresh. Thank you for brightening up a friends sad day.
A very professional service from the presentation of flowers, chocolates,toys through to keeping you informed of what stage in the process your order is at and you even know when it has arrived - l have used this service twice and would always highly recommend it. Thank you.
Thank you so much for the on time delivery and the beautiful delivery. I am very happy with the service however, I was only delivered 11 carnations instead of 12 carnations. The product promised 12 carnations not 11 carnations. Other than this problem, I am happy to use this service again, Geli