99 red and white heart-shape bouquet. White roses in "I O U" style. Gypsophila decorated. Pink gauze bordered. A great romantic bouquet for LOVE.
Smooth and quick delivery, best so far that I've used. Thank you.
On time delivery! My Mom loves the flower! Thanks! Easy ordering system is a plus!
Hi there, first of all, thanks for keeping us updated of the status. My girl friend has confirmed receipt of the flowers and the messages, however the flowers I picked from the order / samples didn't match what she received. I actually paid for the pink roses to go with the lily but she got golden yellow roses. The flowers are much fewer than the ones I paid for. I paid for USD60 for something that I picked but you didn't deliver those. Can you please explain? Hope you could get back to me on mag***@gmail.com
Once again you have come through for me. I have placed several orders through China Flower, and will continue to use them. Fast delivery, beautiful arrangements. The only negative was on the last order, the card was not written very well, looked like someone did it in crayon. But the message worked, and my xinniang loved it. Thanks again