77 roses bouquet contains from the inside to the outside by red roses, white roses and pink roses, composed of circular design, the external poinsettia around.
Qixi Valentine: $153.19 Add Rose($2/item)
This is the first time I had delt with China Flowers214, and I have to say that I am most satisfied with their services. They were efficient, delivered on time, and added bit of 'spice' to the bouquet delivered to a dear friend for her special birthday. I have no hesitation in using this group again in the very near future. Thank you for your sterling services, and I would highly recommend you to others.
I am giving this company 5 stars....they complied with all they said they would do.... EXCELLENCE....!!! I THANK YOU.....I LOOK FORWARD TO DOING BUSINESS WITH YOU GUYS AGAIN
Easy and excellent service from ordering to delivery....very well recommended
Excellent service Rapide efficace conforme à la promesse ! Excellent rapport qualité prix Je conseille vivement