9 green carnations, 6 Kunming red roses and 5 red gerberas hand-tied with palm and salal and finished with gift wrap and ribbon. Send this great bouquet in China make someone feel very special. - Need to be ordered 2 days ahead.
Qixi Valentine: $77.79 Add Rose($2/item) Add Gerbera($2/item) Need to order 2 day ahead.
Ordered as a surprise for my lady. Extremely prompt, efficient and exactly correct on the order. Not the first time I have ordered and will definitely not be the last. Service is second to none and prices are extremely good for the degree of service.
Great my girl friends happy and say hand in in professional way. Big Thank You
Ordered flowers for Mother's Day and they were delivered within a few hours. Very professional and the flowers looked exactly like they were pictured on the website. Highly recommend and would order again!
I am an Australian living here in Brisbane, Qld and my fiancee is Chinese living in Kunming, Yunnan Province. I decided to gift here a bunch of flowers as she was too busy at work and I thought a bunch of flowers would light up her day. I found Chinaflower214.com on the net. Wow, it is so amazing. So easy to place the order, you are being updated of your transaction from the moment you paid for it. I made my order at 1pm Brisbane time which is two hours advance in China and the flowers were delivered before 5 P.M. as requested by me. What an excellent service. You can not find anywhere faster than this and more efficient and reliable than this. I highly recommend this company to everyone needing to send gifts overseas. I am just amazed how good this company is. Rolando Parame Brisbane, Qld Australia 4508