18 roses bouquet (9 white roses and 9 pink roses) with baby's breath. White, green paper package, finished with bowknot.
Qixi Valentine: $58.29 Add Rose($2/item) Add White rose($2/item)
They respond very poorly to e-mail messages. There is no variety of choice of payment systems. I'm in Russia, and now I can't pay for the order without an intermediary. Outdated website design.
已经在你们这里定过两次花了,都是七夕,服务质量非常好。 首先是速度快,说实话我这几次交订单都交的比较晚,都是七夕前一天或者两天才订的,但是你们都在第二天就帮我把花送到了,真心不错。 花的质量也非常好,实物甚至比原图还要精致,我女朋友很开心。 以后订花就在你们这里订了!
I have used this site many times to have flowers delivered in Shanghai and have not had any issues. I would recommend this service and will continue to use. Thank you!!!
Thanks for the good service