99 roses heart-shape bouquet includes 60 white roses and 39 red roses. Red roses in the middle, 2 small cute bear sit on flowers. - Please note bear style may vary.
* the flower doesn't look good
I live in the United States. I ordered flowers for my friend in Suzhou (Shanghai area). The flowers were delivered on time and my friend was very impressed. Highly recommend.
Great service for ordering flowers for Shanghai! Prior to using this service, I had a hard time finding a florist to deliver flowers to my girlfriend in Shanghai. In the past year, I've used China Flowers 214 about 7 times, and every time they've delivered beautiful flowers, as pictured on their site, once even on same day I ordered them (actually, they arrived about 2 1/2 hours after I ordered them). Great florist! Jeff, Los Angeles, CA (USA)
The blue roses is bad! Does not look like real ones! Felt cheated!
Always perfect flowers, thanks so much