Pink color basket includes 10 pink roses, 10 pink carnation, 6 pluriceps carnations, 5 pink gerberas accented with white small flowers(such as small genus chrysanthemum or baby's breath) and green leaves decorated. Order one day ahead.
Qixi Valentine: $84.29 Add Rose($2/item)
Hi, The flower I bought from internal is total different from what we received. Teddy bear is so small and missing vase!!!!! Pls follow up. Hannah
Have used many times before and the quality of the flowers is excellent and delivered on time. Thank You
AMAZING SERVICE. Flowers arrived to person - super fast and fresh. it looked just like the photo.... HIGHLY recommend this site will definitely be a returning customer and well most definitely recommend this site to other users.
I ordered Valentine flowers for my girlfriend who was visiting in Beijing, flowers arrived on time, looked just like the picture, roses were of great quality, however the bouquet was supposed to have 36 roses, but there were only 32. Understandably a slight oversight on a busy day, but I mentioned it to the website. Next day, the missing roses and extra, arrived as an additional bouquet. Thank you, ChinaFlower214, the flowers were awesome, customer service top notch no questions asked, I would order again without hesitation.
The flowers was delivered and received in a beautiful display ...My future wife was more than happy and loved the flower arrangement ..we spoke on the phone soon after she received the flowers and I could see for my self how well they were presented...A huge Thank you of appreciation not only for the professional service via the web site and on the delivery of service but how fresh and beautiful the flowers looked Thank you China Flower214.. I will continue to use this the Future
Great my girl friends happy and say hand in in professional way. Big Thank You