精品红玫瑰9枝,精品白百合3枝,水仙百合点缀,尤加利间插,春兰叶点缀。 精品英文纸、白纱内衬,绿色礼品纸,绿色丝带法国结束腰。 图片仅供参考,主花材一致,保证效果。
The title says it all: This firm is reliable with its delivery services and it offers a wide selection of products. Their system of keeping the customer informed is effective as well.
I can't find enough good words for the service which was provided by ChinaFlower214. Flowers were delivered on time in excellent condition. Will recommend everyone who wants to send flowers to someone close in China.
Delivered within a few hours of me doing my online orded. Fabulous service. Highly recommend.