花材:红色扶朗花(又名非洲菊)26支,满天星围边,绿叶点缀,红色裙边皱纹纸圆形包装。 花语:感恩的心,化作缕缕祝福!感恩的情,变成丝丝牵挂!感恩的愿,变为份份关怀!祝所有我爱和爱我的人一生无忧,快乐生活。
I have used your service at least once a month over the last year, and every time, flowers were delivered in a timely fashion and always beautiful! Thank you and your local florists for a wonderful service!
Another beautiful bouquet of flowers, this time lilies. My girlfriend loves them, I saw a picture of them and they are fresh, big and beautiful. Very good service. I can sit in Denmark and order flowers for delivery in Shanghai the next day.
My Items were delivered on correct date and time.
It's amazing that I can order flowers from around the world. This site has never disappointed for prompt delivery. Thanks, ChinaFlower214!