12枝红色非洲菊(扶郎花)+1枝多头粉色香水百合,黄莺,土黄色印花英文报纸(或用同色皱纹纸)单面包装,黑色方格丝带(或深色丝带)束扎。 - 图片仅供参考,主花材一致,保证效果。
Excellent service. My initial payment did not go through, but the customer service team responded patiently and helped me outside their normal working hours. The flowers were delivered within a few hours of the order being made, which was remarkable. Highly recommend.
Delivery was lightning fast, and the ordering process was really simple. Keep up the good work.
All ok
I have used this online company twice now to send flowers to my wife in China. The flowers have been excellent quality and delivered on time too.