15枝粉玫瑰,15枝粉色康乃馨,搭配绿叶、小翠菊或满天星,花篮1个。 - 图片仅供参考,主花材一致,保证效果。
Very good
Lovely flowers every time, thanks so much
An Amazing Service, I ordered them at 11am, and she received them around 4:30pm the same day! She is very happy. THanks
I Appreciate your onetime delivery and quality products. It's a good experience to me since when I use to send gifts to my Chinese friends through online. it was a terrible task to me earlier... After I chose this website, it is very excellent online stores to share our gifts my Chinese friends from overseas...
Wish i could rate 10 stars
Great job I was a little hesitant, but they changed my mind they are fast and quick thank you very much