11朵白玫瑰搭配黄莺配草丰富,英文报纸如图包扎,红色礼品丝带束扎。经典简单不失淡雅清香花束给友人带来温馨问候和节日祝福,清清地露出浪漫生活情调。 - 图片仅供参考,主花材一致,保证效果。
Flower was delivered on time with desired quality.
I have been using the services for many years. I am very satisfied.
I was very concerned placing the order, as I live in South Africa and the flowers had to be delivered to an address in China. Everything went smoothly and a beautiful bouquet was delivered to the person it was meant for on the required date and time. Thank you!
My third time ordering from ChinaFlower214, still very impressed by their beautiful flower arrangements, good prices and punctuality for delivery. Great job, keep it up! Many thanks!
excellent service from the team and good communication with customer and until its delivered to right place and after the delivery flow up and re conformed. looks like the shop has made with good stranded in place in order make customer satisfaction, well done Thank you Kosala