9支多头白色百合,24支香槟玫瑰,搭配康乃馨等绿叶丰富配材,花盆丰满,花盆插花。 客人可以更换花的颜色,请下单时联系客服。图片仅供参考,主花材一致,保证效果。
This is the first time I have used this service to send flowers to my girlfriend and it has been excellent. The flowers were delivered on the day I asked for,I would recommend this service to my friends keep up the good work. Mr Peter Selmes
What a truely amazing service - in under 2 hours my love had her gift. Above and beyond! Highly Recommend with glowing smiles!
Thank you Chinaflower214.com for having the flowers to be delivered to my family and they were beautiful and wanted to say thanks for delivering them in a timidly fashion Daniel Sobucki