77枝顶级玫瑰,由内至外分别由红玫瑰,白玫瑰,粉玫瑰组成圆形花束,外围满天星环绕。 内用白色纱网包装,外围粉色纱网。 - 图片仅供参考,主花材一致,保证效果。
I am very grateful for the care that was taken in preparing the flowers for my fiancee. I had been anxious because I ordered them from the UK but I needn't have worried! They looked even better than the photo on the website. There were more flowers than I ordered - red roses, wonderful fragranced lilies and two bears instead of one! They were wrapped in a long train like wedding flowers. The message was beautifully typed up and put in an attractive envelope. The courier drove from out of the district just to deliver this one order. It arrived on the same day. My fiancee loved them! Thank you Chinaflower 214!
Again I used ChinaFlower214 to deliver an Anniversary cake to my girlfriend , it was very short notice (the afternoon before required delivery) yet it was delivered on time , thus surprising her and making her day a very special one... THANK YOU I'll definitely use you again.
Perfect in every way. This was my first time using your service and I was impressed with your prompt and beautiful delivery of flowers. You were efficient and on time -- two things that are rare in China. The friend who received the flowers was very impressed. Thank you! I'll use you again in the future.