12枝粉玫瑰,粉色康乃馨22枝,黄色多头康乃馨间插,1枝多头白色香水百合,绿叶搭配。手提花篮艺术插花。 图片仅供参考,主花材一致,保证效果。
Very easy to make and order and have delivered in China.
Arrived right on time, and my friend was very happy with her cake and flowers
Due to this situation of Covid 19....me and my partner are seperated by 5000 miles ...due to her being native Chinese and me from Europe. Because she went home to Shenzhen for few months and me wanting to follow her this situation stopped us! 6 months seperate and finally.I found a way to surprise her!. The website is legit ams delivery and service is outstanding! Fresh flowers as promissed! Ordered online and I took only few hrs. Amazing service.