11枝红玫瑰,每枝绵纸单独包装,小白花,配草适量,裙边纸圆形包装。 - 图片仅供参考,主花材一致,保证效果。
Thank you for delivery day on time Regards
已经在你们这里定过两次花了,都是七夕,服务质量非常好。 首先是速度快,说实话我这几次交订单都交的比较晚,都是七夕前一天或者两天才订的,但是你们都在第二天就帮我把花送到了,真心不错。 花的质量也非常好,实物甚至比原图还要精致,我女朋友很开心。 以后订花就在你们这里订了!
Dear Service Team, the cake was excellent, the family told me it was delicious. Thanks to the chef cook. The card message was a little misunderstanding, it was not a birthday cake. The cake was for Mother's Day. Nevertheless, the cake tasted fantastic and this was most important. The delivery was perfect on time, just as I had requested. Best Regards Rudolf Lehmann
Ordered from Singapore and deliver the flowers on time . Thank you
I needed to find a flower shop that could deliver to my friend in another city. This web site processed my order very quickly, accepted my PayPal, and delivered within three hours! My friend sent me a picture when the flowers arrived, and it looked just like the picture on the web site. I'm very happy with this service!