黄百合3支,香槟玫瑰6支,黄色多头康乃馨6支,配草丰满。 - 提前一天订购。 - 图片仅供参考,主花材一致,保证效果。
It's my first time using this sevice. Im glad I did. My girlfriend in China was so surprise !!
Of course I didn't told her about it. I find this company and charge them to delivery beautiful flower in time to my love. They did that perfectly. Thank you for the happy birthday .
My experience was great. I am not from China and I did not have the complete information of the recipient. Due to the problem faced, the delivery team made the necessary contacts with me and the person who received the flowers, and it was delivered with no issues. It is an expensive product, but the objective was reached. You guys helped me to give a birthday present to a important person. The only thing I would suggest is that the information I sent to delivery team, was exactly what I wrote at the moment of purchase. I do not know if they have access to it, but the surely should. Thank you.