16颗费列罗巧克力+2只小熊,心形盒装豪华高档包装。 - 盒子颜色因地区有所变化,图片仅供参考,主花材一致,保证效果。
Always great flowers delivered on time,thanks so much
I am very thankful for your service. The delivery is very quick and the person who delivered was a very patient person to wait for my future wife to come and receive the flowers I sent to her. Please tell delivery person thank you so much for their patients and kindness. Also flower shop made a very nice arrangement. Again thank you.
I want to thank you for such a wonderful service.
Our customer was very happy about the flowers
Ordered the flowers a couple of weeks ago for a specific date delivery. It worked perfectly and the flowers were delivered on time and in perfect condition. Very satisfied!