菠萝、奇异果、新奇士、蛇果、巧克力、长城干白(干红)。 - 提前一天订购。(食品当地采购,根據配送地情況略有調整,以实际出货为准,图片仅供参考) 。
Excellent 5 star service. Highly recommended.
Fantastic service and great range of flowers and extras!! Ordered and payed on very early morning and was delivered later that day! It made my friend's day! Thank you soooo much! Would recommend!
Had ordered flowers to brighten one's day when hearing of a relative who was hospitalized. At this time was unable to take delivery of the flowers while attending to our sick relative's needs. Our relative passed away a couple of weeks later and the family immediately began making the funeral arrangements. A subsequent trip to the hospital was necessary for an unrelated yet urgent surgery. The flowers were received once discharged from the hospital after the surgery. They were delivered fresh and were a wonderful surprise after a very tumultuous time. The overall duration was over a month, and appreciated greatly the commitment to customer service. The care and concern the company exhibited has been exemplary!
Beautiful packaging and a perfect surprise bow. Thank You