进口苹果,葡萄,橙子等季节水果。香槟玫瑰6枝,粉百合3枝。 - 提前一天订购。(食品当地采购,根據配送地情況略有調整,以实际出货为准,图片仅供参考)。
Efficient, I am impressed! The flower was delivered in good time and the flower is a quality product. I'll be recommending ChinaFlower214 to everyone.
Very nice flowers, and great and quick response to the question that i had
Chinaflower214 is amazing how good they are I am always extremely happy with their flowers and delivery even on holidays they never fail to deliver beautiful flowers their delivery can't be beat I've ordered probably 10 times they are the best !! Thank You
Good service