A mixed bouquet of 4 red roses, 4 champagne roses, 4 pink African daisy ,2 pink lilies with 2 gladiola. The Bouquet of Dreams is a conventional and the simplest way of expressing your heart.
Qixi Valentine: $79.09 Add Rose($2/item) Add Lily($5/item)
I live in Sweden, i contacted you trough your Live chat in the webbsite yesterday, and today my husband recieved flowers to his hotel in Kunshan. I am SO thankful for your fantastic service! All my love from Sweden :)
Thank you for delivering the awesome flowers
Very quick very easy, definitely happy. Great service especially with PayPal! I will be making future purchases with China flowers
Delivery was precise and ontime. Recipient was delighted to see the phalanopsis orchid well arranged and nurtured. Their stems are high, healthy and impressive. This is the second time he received it. The first one he received in January lasted nearly two months.