365 red roses for 365 days' LOVE, sweet grass green stuff, luxury bouquet. If you need other colors roses please leave message at request form when order. (please order two days in advance).
Qixi Valentine: $524.50 Add Rose($2/item)
I placed an order to be delivered to a friend in Shanghai while I was in the U.S. I made a mistake on my order info and the mobile site would not allow me to make the necessary changes. I had to let her know that I had placed the order and give her the information so she could contact them to make the necessary change to be able to receive the order. Surprise was ruined. But she did love the flowers and all of her coworkers were asking all kinds of questions. It turned out very good in the end.
I ordered some flowers, and I was able to have them delivered same-day in China (major hub city Guangzhou). I was able to find a lower-priced arrangement for a semi-decent price (delivery included). The site does have minor bugs (none that would prevent a successful transaction), and the prices for extras seem to be on the pricey side. Although the 214 seems random, the business is legitimate, and my girls got their flowers and chocolates which means smiles on their faces :) . Thanks ChinaFrower214.
They had make my wife very happy. Correct flower that I chosen , they are on time when delivery of the flower. They follow my induction carefully. Will order from them again
Great service as I am using your site for second time.I am amzed of the accurate delivery.