11 pink carnations,11 pink red roses, match leaves and baby`s breath. Pink tissue to pack, pink ribbon to tie. Note: pink carnations may be replaced to red carnations for different area.
Qixi Valentine: $56.99 Add Rose($2/item) Add Carnation($2/item)
Fresh flowers every time!..thanks so much
Great services! Flowers were delivered on time and it was a great surprise!
I couldn't imagine such a high degree of customer care. Really great flowers and amazing staff. I will for sure reuse your service in the future! Thank you for the great deal.
已经在你们这里定过两次花了,都是七夕,服务质量非常好。 首先是速度快,说实话我这几次交订单都交的比较晚,都是七夕前一天或者两天才订的,但是你们都在第二天就帮我把花送到了,真心不错。 花的质量也非常好,实物甚至比原图还要精致,我女朋友很开心。 以后订花就在你们这里订了!