33 red carnations and 15 pink carnation with green leaves decorated, arranged in round flowers basket. Great flower basket for mother or elders, and get well.
Qixi Valentine: $82.99
Have ordered flowers multiple times between 2012 and 2022, and you have consistently done an incredible job!!! Thank you for you everything you do!!!
very happy with flowers, and quick delivery. The flowers and vase turned out beautiful my daughter was very happy.
Sent flowers and cake for my wife.The product looked exactly as the photo on the website.They delivered it on time.My wife was very happy with the gift which makes me very happy.I have been using their service for some time and it has always been amazing.The price is reasonable and service top notch. I highly recommend them and will keep using them for many years to come.
In the description, it says "11 red roses free with two small bears". However, only one small bear is received.
Effective service and true to promise.