Greetings Flowers Basket. 3 perfume white lilies, 2 anthurium, 10 pink roses, 16 red carnations, 10 yellow carnations, 16 pink carnations and green decor. One style flowers basket with greetings is my most sincere wishes to you, Full of Joy. Please order one day in advance.
Qixi Valentine: $103.79 Add Rose($2/item) Add Lily($5/item)
Beautiful flowers made my wife very happy, many thanks
I order flowers for my Wife. I wrote a long message there and they just deliver flowers without the paper. My Wife don't even know who send those flowers. Why I need to pay that much for just flowers? Just like that I can buy flowers by myself. If you deliver something you should deliver with the message I give you! Not just ignore it!
Fast and effective