12 purple roses(if this color is not available we will use pink roses to instead), 8 purple carnations, 5 pink carnations, match greenery, arranged in a small basket, pink ribbon. - Order two days ahead. The picture is only for reference and the main items are the same, the effect are guaranteed.
Qixi Valentine: $69.99
I live in UK my daughter lives in china and I have flowers delivered to her. Fantastic service always beautiful flowers and delivered on time. Today is her birthday and the cake I ordered was amazing as was the roses and chocolates. I wont go anywhere else. Only had 1 issue in the past and they rectified it immediately. Thank you
I thought this was a simple arrangement with a couple cute bears that couldn't be messed up, but when the flowers were delivered the female bear didn't have a heart. (The male bear did.) Clearly was not a good message to send to my girl. She wondered why I would send her a bear with "no heart". This is the second order in a row that was a problem. I'm paying a lot of money for this service. How can you make this right?