One dozen sunflowers bouquet accented with solidago or fresh greens. Green and white crepe paper round wrap. Bright and cheery, bold yet comfortable, the sunflower is a warm and caring gift. Send sunflowers and a little sunshine to brighten up someone's day! -Due to natural growth problems, only available between April and November. - Please order one day in advance.
Qixi Valentine: $71.29
Some of the roses were brown when they were delivered. They were in such bad shape that the delivery driver called the recipient to let her know that he picked up the flowers in this condition and they were not damaged during delivery. I understand that the flowers were delivered on 5/20 Valentines Day and demand is very high. But I also paid extra to have the delivered on this day. So, the expectation is the flower company would provide healthy flowers.
Ordered Rose from New Zealand in advance for my partner's birthday. My present was delivered at a timely manner. Thank You so much.