24 red roses and 6 yellow carnation(or champagne roses) with gypsophila and green leaves, beautiful flowers basket arrangements. - Order two days ahead.
Qixi Valentine: $82.99 Add Rose($2/item)
It's my first time using this sevice. Im glad I did. My girlfriend in China was so surprise !!
I ordered for the flower to be delivered in the morning and they managed to deliver it as scheduled with a beautiful bouquet just as expected. In addition, the price is very competitive for the quality. Will definitely order again in the future.
Whoa - I ordered at 2am and they arrived by 11am, on a Sunday. Outstanding service, quality and price. Well done and thank you.
Excellent service. Good quality flowers. My girlfriend is very happy. Thank you very much.
I am very glad that the delivery matured within the established time frame