Business flower basket: white lilies, perfume pink lilies, anthurium, red roses, birds mix sanweikui leaf appropriate. - Order one day ahead.
Qixi Valentine: $202.59
if you don't accept Master card, then take out the MC's logo on the order form. Other than that, i appreciated receiving the delivering detail like who was there to sign for the order.
First time customer, excellent experience! It is amazing to me that you have found a way to so quickly and accurately deliver flowers from how the other side of the world I am very impressed.
I am currently located in the US. I have used your service to deliver flowers overseas to my family in China for many years. I feel that the quality of your flowers is not as good as it was before. Your company used to be called "Annie Flowers", now you have a name change to "China Flower 214". Is this because a change of ownership? I think the flowers I ordered from " Annie flowers" were much better and fresh than what you are providing now. Maybe you should check with your suppliers for quality. 你们公司原来名字叫做“Annie Flower”, 我觉得那个时候花的新鲜程度和质量都比现在好。不知道你们是换了股东还是换了供货商?最近的花质量好像下降了,送到就不新鲜了。以前一束云南玫瑰可以开一周多,现在基本都开不开。不知可否改进一下? Thank you very much!
The Service is absolutely Amazing! Thank you❣️
U did a very good delivery, i appreciate all that is done and on time.