9 red roses, 9 pink carnations and 2 perfumes lilies with solidago, green stuff decorated. Pink gauze and bowknot tied hand bouquet.
Qixi Valentine: $64.79 Add Rose($2/item) Add Lily($5/item) Add Carnation($2/item)
The price was above average compared to other flower shops , however I was totally amazed by the quality of the flowers received . I would come back to this shop if I have any orders again :D
Ordered early on Friday, flowers delivered midday on Saturday (Valentine's Day). Impressive service and all instructions & requests were correctly carried out. Only disappointment was the price for all flowers was increased on the day before Valentine's and a $10 USD "festival" charge for Valentines Day was added. The lesson here is order early. Overall very happy. Thanks.
Fresh and of good quality. Excellent service
You guys are the best because you again delivered your best cake and candy to my friend in China You guys are the best
Effective service and true to promise.