999 red + pink roses unbeatable bouquet for forever love. Pink inside in heart-shaped, red roses around round packed. Please order two days in advance.
The flowers were delivered on time and were fresh. My only issue was the description was for a round glass vase and she got a plastic square vase, but other then that it was a great experience.
Flowers are arrived in 10 hours after order ! everything is perfect, fast, clean flowers. Thanks
...this is my first time I ordered flowers from my country to China...and I can sum up my experience in 3 words, JUST LOVED IT.
Actually the flowers were delivered but the chocolate has the tree taste.
The flowers were beautiful, but I ordered the bouquet with red and gold deluxe wrapping. That was not what my daughter-in-law received. Disappointed that I took such care selecting what I wanted. Also, it would be nice if the sender received a picture of the actual flowers, as they were delivered.